Sunday 25 September 2011

Fluorescent Light: Illuminating The World Since Ages

Initially for most of the people, light meant the simple incandescent light invented by Thomas Alva Edison. It was only in 1857, that a French physicist named Alexandre E. Beckquerel investigated the phenomenon of fluorescence and phosphorescence. He created a general theory of making fluorescent bulbs from the fluorescent light. He conducted various experiments which resulted in the invention of fluorescent light bulbs. But it was only in the year 1938 that the fluorescent light lamps were first sold.

The major use of fluorescent light is to make fluorescent lamps or fluorescent tubes. The fluorescent lamps or tubes use electricity to excite the mercury which in turn produces short wave ultra-violet rays which causes fluorescence or glow. Such fluorescent lamps are energy efficient but require huge installation cost. You can see fluorescent light at almost every place today. The basic reason behind this is that such lamps save a lot of electricity as compared to the incandescent ones. You can find it in offices, institutes and even at homes. Though most of the people have seen, touched and used such lamps, its working remains a mystery to almost all of them!  To understand this mystery, you need to know all about light energy. It works on the simple rule of gas discharge. The electricity excites the mercury which produces ultra violet rays. These ultra violet rays as a result cause glow or fluorescence.

Fluorescent lights are a big hit in the market not only because they are energy efficient but also because they compact and affordable. Mercury uses very less energy to get it excited while incandescent bulbs use a lot of energy to get hot and glow. As a result lamps based on fluorescent light use lower energy as compared to lamps based on incandescent light. This is the reason why fluorescent lamps are costly. But the long term benefit of such lamp overweighs the financial issue. Apart from the energy efficient feature, fluorescent lamps also have other advantages. It produces less heat and lasts longer than an incandescent lamp. This makes it ideal for a place which needs to be illuminated for a longer period of time. The heat produced by the incandescent bulbs raises the temperature of the environment adding to global warming. The energy saving as well as the low heat features of Fluorescent Lights make it environment friendly.

Lamps based on Fluorescent light have several advantages as compared to incandescent lamps. It is most commonly found in commercial places which need light for several hours and fluorescent light is the best option available in the market today. Fluorescent lamps mostly produce colder light as compared to the warmer ones produced by incandescent bulbs. This was the major reason why people hesitated to buy it initially. But as it proved to be so advantageous, its small flaws were ignored by most of them. Today, fluorescent lights can be seen anywhere which in itself tells the success story of fluorescent lamps. This is popular in the entire world. provides detailed information on Lighting, lounges and advice on how to Fluorescent Lights from retail and wholesale vgklighting store


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